Since October of 2020, I started to explore a new direction of my illustration career -- Graphic Recording, Graphic Recording is a visual performance that complements a meeting, talk or conference by visually summarizing the information communicated during those events, graphic recording transform s tedious and often pointless professional meetings into useful exchanges of information where the people present feel involved and consequently become more invested, for both their personal benefit as well as that of their company. Graphic recording is a fun way for me to explore the implications of different objects and graphics.
I mainly used ipad pro for this collection of visual recording. Clients' informations are removed due to confidential request.

Graphic Recording for Digital Strategy Transformation Workshop

Graphic Recording for F5G White Paper Press Conference

Visual Map

Graphic Recording for Intelligent Automation Workshop

Visual Map for Family Business Challenges

Graphic Recording for Innovative Thinking Workshop

Graphic Recording for Knowledge Management Workshop

Graphic Recording for Compliance Management